Do you need a Homestay in Kuala Lumpur? Teratai Homestay is your answer.
We have a few locations namely Puchong, Kota Perdana, Bukit Serdang, Taman Kinrara Section 4, Taman Kinrara Section 2 and Jalan Ipoh.
Nasri's Place is basically setup for muslim customers as the cooking utensils are halal. The palce is only open for rent by Muslim customers. However unmarried Muslim couples are not Allowed to Rent. The associate partner is En. Nasri who will up keep the place, check in and check out the customers, and handle the administrative matters at Nasri's Place.
Located at a single storey Bangalow with 3 rooms which is fully furnished and air-con. The Place have fridge,TV,Water heater, washing machine, Living area and Dinning area. It is cheaper than satying a HoTeL.
Suitable for Perkhawinan, Family outing, Group stay and Business trips. Tour packaged to tour Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, Genting, Elephant Santuary are also available.
Sms or call me at 0162723833 EB Ong if you need a PlaCe to stay in Kuala Lumpur.
Teratai Homestay - Just like Home